Terms & conditions

#InvestTalks är en oberoende plattform för börsbolag, intressenter & aktieägare. Vi bevakar noterade och onoterade företag i syfte att stärka bolagens relationer till investerare & intressenter.

Friskrivning från ansvar: #InvestTalks är inte finansiella rådgivare, står inte under finansinspektionens tillsyn och ger inga råd till investerare. Vi tar inget ansvar för fullständighet i sponsrat innehåll, innehållet ska tolkas som marknadsföring och inte ses som en köprekommendation från oss. Alla investeringar innebär risk och satsat kapital kan helt gå förlorat i värde. Med reservation för ev. förseningar, produktions-, tryck- & färgfel.


Content Relations (#InvestTalks) is processing information about your e-mail address to send newsletters and offers. For us, your personal integrity is important and we work to maintain a very high level of security in our processes. Therefore, we only share your information between CR and a few selected partners within the EU / EEA.

Data privacy is very important for CR and we want to be open and transparent with our handling of your personal data. #investtalks is owned and operated by Content Relations Sverige AB, Regeringsgatan 29, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden. Company number: 559214-9719.

Terms and conditions

#InvestTalks is an independent platform for listed companies, stakeholders & shareholders. We monitor listed and unlisted companies with the aim of strengthening the companies' relationships with investors & stakeholders.

Disclaimer: #InvestTalks are not financial advisors, are not regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority and do not provide advice to investors. We take no responsibility for the completeness of sponsored content, the content should be interpreted as marketing and not be seen as a purchase recommendation from us. All investments involve risk and invested capital can completely lose value. With reservation for possible delays, production, printing & color errors.

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